Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Identify me

Lately I have not seen birds coming to my feeder I guess because they can find food anywhere like worms, seeds or other stuff. But I have some photos taken last few weeks ago  and I can't identify them yet for I am new in backyard birding ^_^

                                                      Is this the same one as above?

                   Update: MaineBirder named this bird and as I looked at it yes I think this is really a house finch. A purple finch has the same color but the color is too deep in pink. Thanks MaineBirder!
                                                       Visit World Bird Wednesday


holdingmoments said...

I can't help with the ID Kim, but he's a beauty.

theconstantwalker said...

Like Keith its not a bird we see in the UK.
I can tell you its a beauty.

MaineBirder said...

Looks to me to be a House Finch. Very nice capture!

joo said...

It's a beauty, but it's not to be find in Poland, I'm afraid.

mick said...

Not in Australia either but a beautiful bird.

Kim, USA said...

Thank you for the responses I do appreciate it. I really do look for this birds name and I think this is a house finch the purple finch is too pinkish. So I guess this is a house finch thanks MaineBirder!

Dave said...

I would guess House Hinch too.... I think we had a single bird blown over here to the UK fairly recently.

Nice images though

Unknown said...

I vote for a House Finch also!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Springman said...

Welcome to backyard birding Kim! Nice job on the House finch your off to a great start. ;-)WBW

fjällripan said...

A beautiful bird with his red
head. Very nice photos to.
Have a great week :)

eileeninmd said...

Cute shots of the House Finches, Kim!

Empty Nester said...

I agree that they look like house finches! Nice shots!

Pat said...

Nice shots of the House Finch! I like to hear its twittering song!

Sondra said...

ITS so exciting to see new birders get excited!! Excellent photo!!

Arija said...

Lovely shots and what a thrill to have them visit.

Mike B. @ slugyard.com said...

And nice shots of the house finch, too.


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