Monday, March 7, 2011

Sister Wives

Have you seen this reality tv show Sister Wives? I don't! But I can't help watching tidbits of it because it comes out from time to time in this channel that shows some of my favorites.  Since they are going back for another episode I saw a lot of drama already. And what makes me wonder is that, this one woman whom I guess is the number one wife cries a lot and that you could tell of her insecurities when the husband (who has 5 wives by the way) take more time to the latest wife. Oh my goodness, what is she thinking? Of course when a new grass comes to the horse, the horse attention would be at the new grass, right? In the first place I couldn't  imagine myself sharing my husband to 4 women and bore his children with them, nada. But with in this show it takes a great deal for this women to accept this kind of norm in their life. Anyway, I don't want to stress myself by watching the show but had to rant about it lol!


emmanuelmateo said...

hehehe..nice manang kim..nyway manang.please give me your account on facebook.thanks

Unknown said...

but if you think of it from their point of view, this is all they know as a way of life growing up, to them it is normal, what is going to be for their future. which is sad to me. I agree with you, I don't like sharing the one I love either.


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