Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Last Week of Ordinary Time

Hubby and I went to church at 10:30 am mass. This Sunday is the last Sunday or week of the Ordinary Time. It is also the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ the King. And the reading today comes from the gospel of Matthew 25: 31-46 the judgement of the nations.
In my reflection this is the parable that Jesus tells us about good and evil. That there is really a time when we have to choose the right or wrong. Which in the parable Jesus said put the sheep on your right and the goat on the left side. Now in this generation many tend or tried to tell us that the wrong is right and the right is wrong. One example is about that coach Sandusky, he is a sexual predator, he rape or molested boys and how in the world many doesn't affected on it? Because he is a good coach? The people are blinded by what he is successful but he is rotten deep with in and people tried and tend to not see it. I just hope that if their will be a trial the jury will see and if it is proven that he should be punished according to what he did to the boys because it was not right! 
That is we have to keep in vigil this days. We may be very busy but to keep in mind to say prayers in all times o f the day is the keep to be connected to God and be in our right mind all the time. Happy Sunday to all!

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