Monday, December 13, 2010

Kate Goselin

Did I spell her name right? Anyway, I was watching Sarah Palin's Alaska last night and it so happened that Kate and the 8 kids visited them. Well from the very beginning it seems that Kate already is overwhelmed by everything that is happening around lol!  Much so when they are in the middle of nowhere along this beautiful river or lake and surrounded by beautiful mountains that she melt down. I don't know what to think about her, she just stand there doing nothing, complaining about everything that she sees, and didn't dare to try to immersed and enjoy with her kids. What I think is that if you are a mother and your kids enjoy what they see and what they do you should be there with them enjoying what their activities are and not threaten the kids that they will be left behind and the would not be Goselin but Palin. I find it absurd!!
Later when Kate decided to go home I see the change of face of Piper. Oh she is so cute and I think she wonders why they go home so soon. Anyway, as I see the face of Kate too I didn't see any happiness in her eyes do you?


mommy Orkid Belle said...

I felt sorry for the kids that they had to leave because of their mother. I think Piper didn't like it when Kate asked her if it was fun for Piper being out in the middle of nowhere, in cold and rainy weather, in a bear country, pretending to be homeless (as Kate said). Piper then had that look on her face and she didn't like it at all that they had to leave soon. I was like talking back to the television and disappointed when Kate was complaining about everything and didn't at least try to help them. The kids were fine and having a blast, but she was just bitching about everything before they even got in the plane. I think that was a huge lesson for Kate. She was way out of her comfort zone and she didn't think it would be that way since their first camping experience was in their backyard. She could have done better though. Camping is truly not for everybody. I would have had a blast if it was me. Rain or shine, with grizzly bears or not. :)

Mayet said...

I haven't seen that, but Kate should have try to have fun with the children


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